
Labor Market & Industry Analysis

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Our team of researchers and analysts can help your community, region or organization understand your local labor market and industries.


Our analysis helps your community to

  • be competitive in location and expansion decisions

  • be informed about strategic planning efforts

  • ensure that businesses have the talent and resources they need to succeed

Our experience in analyzing and explaining data helps your community understand, visualize and make informed decisions.

Labor market and industry analysis works to

  • create a regional profile that includes commuting patterns, educational outcomes, occupational structure and demographics

  • recognize existing and emerging economic clusters operating within the region

  • identify and understand trends in economic, workforce, education and demographic data

  • gain a greater understanding of the talent pipeline (K-12, Post-Secondary, and other training providers)

  • identify talent shortages and build solutions to meet the region’s human capital needs


We offer:

  • workforce studies

  • presentations

  • sector and industry studies

  • workforce and economic development strategic planning
