Before joining the Institute of Government in 2015, Russ Cook worked in the public school arena for 40 years as a teacher and administrator. He has served local boards of education through his tenure as a Georgia school superintendent, a regional director with the Georgia Department of Education, and the executive director of a Regional Education Service Agency. Cook has managed and developed projects involving local boards of education through his roles as advisor, facilitator, and trainer. In 2009, he led a regional team of superintendents, board members, school system leaders, and teachers to broker a school facility construction project involving the approval of 13 boards of education in Northeast Georgia. He has served as president of a statewide professional organization and as liaison to numerous agencies, public/private associations, and professional organizations.
Ed.D., University of Georgia; M.A., Speech Communications, University of Georgia
Additional Info:
Areas of Expertise: school system organization and operations; educational administration; human resource and project management